Why Do Painters Wear White?

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why painters wear whites
It's been that way since painting became a trade in the US back in the 1800s. Whites are a clear identifier and draw a distinction between painters and fire fighters, bankers and carpenters. One can be a good painter and not wear whites, but it's very tough ti find a crummy painter that does wear whites.

What are "whites"? Well, your white dance floor paints are not. Your white theater pants are not. Whites have special pockets and loops that make a painters' job easier, they are usually baggy for easier ladder climbing. White shirts complete the picture.

Grizzled union painters as well as younger pros all agree that professional painters in Kansas City wear "painters whites" - but there doesn't seem to be a clear history. Here are some theories:

  • Whites distinguish painters from other trades.
  • White indicates cleanliness to customers.
  • Clean whites indicates skill to other painters.
  • White and other light colors are those most commonly chosen for the widest range of applications.
  • White is more comfortable in the summer sun.
  • Before paint there was whitewash - not as noticeable on a white uniform.
  • Spackle, plaster, caulk and other common trade materials are all white.
  • White clothing is economical - costs less than dyed clothing.
  • Easy cleaning - white cloth can be bleached easier than colored clothing.

If your painter is in whites you're in good company.

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