Office Painting Experts

office painting kansas city
This busy manufacturer continued to hum while painters quietly did their thing.

Painting Offices

Clean and quiet, efficient and pleasant - our painters make it easy for your office routine to continue uninterrupted - No Drips, No Drama. Here's a case study that does a deep dive.

We'll work around your schedule to minimize disruptions. Low VOC paint means nobody breathes nasty stuff. Our gear is tidy and stays out-of-the-way.

A well-planned project means minimal office disruption.

Top 5 Office Painting Concerns

office painting

Office Painting Sequence

Whether you need to paint an executive area, a cafeteria, an auditorium or just small offices, the process is the same:

office painting

"A job well-planned is half delivered."

Details Matter With Commercial Painting

Cost of Office Painting

There are a LOT of variables. Here are a few that affect the price of office painting.

First, we'll bid a project based on a "white box" - this means we'll calculate the cost of painting an area with none of the above considerations. Then, we'll factor in the additional time and materials needed so that the space meets final specifications. You need company colors and a logo on the break room wall? No trouble - we can make that happen.

The short answer is that office painting in Kansas City is generally about $840 per painter per day. Generally, you can expect the walls in one larger room (lunch room, conference room, etc.) and a smaller office to be completed on one day.

With larger projects the balance between labor and materials changes so a contractor is able to be more efficient, and therefore, more cost-effective.

We have a one day minimum - this allows us to arrive, set up and be most efficient with our time and your budget. That means that you'll get top value when painting your conference room or front entry.

What Kind of Painters?

Pleasant and responsive - the kind your office staff can feel safe with. Painters communicate clearly in English and wear professional painters' white pants and Crestwood Painting uniform shirts.

Safety matters so we make sure to train our people on how to safely work in office environments. We'll use the right ladder for hallways, the right ladder for stairs. And caution tape to flag an area so your nice office people don't wind up in our wet paint. Drop cloths when they're needed, doors closed where possible. We're even equipped to set up temporary barrier walls if that's a better option.

What if Something Goes Wrong

Things happen. When you've been in the painting business for more than 15 years you know that, well, things happen. We hire human beings and even well-trained and experienced painters can sometimes make a goof. So we fix it - right there, on the spot.

Some goofs are easy - wrong color, for example, is really no big deal. Or the alarm goes off - we'll contact the right people and take care of it. Other glitches (like paint drips or [gulp] spills) are more of a challenge. But we'll address it head-on and remedy the situation in a timely manner.

Because clear communication is so critical we make sure that the same language in your original Proposal Scope of Work is copied directly to our internal Scope. That way, everybody is dealing with exactly the same information and we all have the same expectations.

What About Critical Electronics

Plugged-in electronics remain plugged in - we'll leave the electrical cover plate in place and cut paint around it. That means there's no electrical interruption and your data is safe. Network boxes are completely covered and not painted at all; monitor brackets are usually cut around but can be removed for painting and reinstalled after.

No Drips, No Drama Painting - The Safe Choice

Call Crestwood Painting for your office painting needs. We're an established and proven company with a reputation for safe, on-time production results and delighted customers. Call today to look into a No Drips No Drama experience.

commercial painting senior crestwood